Saturday, December 13, 2008
No. I haven't seen the new WOLVERINE trailer, or 'X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE' as its now being called. Correction; I haven't seen the trailer in theaters. I saw the trailer on YouTube. I saw footage that was shown earlier this year at comic-con, and the new trailer has some of that in it. Trailer looks decent, even though I still think it's an unnecessary movie, I still want to watch it. Why? Well frankly I want to see more MARVEL characters in movie form. Speaking of which, my all time favorite X-Man is going to be in this movie. Gambit. Yup, he's in this movie somehow. And while I can't wait to see him explode all kinds of mutant ass with his badass bow and playing cards, I cant help but notice how they FUCKED UP THE CANON. What's canon you ask? Well canon is the established timeline of things. Example; Star Wars canon is that Luke trains with Yoda before he fights Darth Vader. Well fucking up canon would be saying that Luke fights and defeats Vader, then trains with Yoda. SO why does the Gambit thing matter? Well, WOLVERINE takes place LOOOONG before the first X-Men movie, somewhere in the 50s or 60s I bet, and Gambit is there. So that means that, should there ever be a continuance of the X-Men movies, Gambit wont be there. He wont be there to hit on Rogue. He wont be there to shoot the shit with Wolverine. He wont be there to piss off Cyclops. Instead he'll be in some asian country, or whatever. Co-starring with and Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool without his mask. Still...I'll be at the midnight showing.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
I did it. I bought the new GUNS N' ROSES album. I won't spend this entire post on a review, but the album is very good. Not to say there aren't some things that don't work, cause some stuff doesn't. Some of the songs feel a little too death metal, sorta LAMB OF GOD stuff, but luckily it doesn't show up alot. The album feels like a 'greatest hits that never came out', like its a retrospective album with music thats never been released. Because you can definitely hear the different musical styes present in the songs that were present 10, 7, and 4 years ago.
That said I want to comment on an article that I read in ROLLING STONE about the way BEST BUYs are handling the release of the album. Obviously this is a big album. The first GNR album in 14 years, tons of delays, album leaks, and an almost mystic frontman who nearly never speaks about it. And the only store to carry and sell the album is BEST BUY. With it being a big album you'd think it would be a big event, but it wasnt. The article reports on a new york best buy location where the album release was really just boring. No music, no midnight release, and no special promos. Which was the same here in Arizona. I was excited when I went to BEST BUY to pick up my copy. I was expecting to fight people for a copy, have loud music playing EVERYWHERE, and other cool shit, but there was not. All there was was a small standee in the front of the store advertising the album. And with a standee that says what it said, they should have made a way bigger deal about it than they did...

That sign got me super pumped, until I enterd the store. The most anticipated album EVER was purchased in less than 3 minutes. No lines. No crowds. No midnight release. Thank you BEST BUY for making a landmark day in music so insignificant.
That said I want to comment on an article that I read in ROLLING STONE about the way BEST BUYs are handling the release of the album. Obviously this is a big album. The first GNR album in 14 years, tons of delays, album leaks, and an almost mystic frontman who nearly never speaks about it. And the only store to carry and sell the album is BEST BUY. With it being a big album you'd think it would be a big event, but it wasnt. The article reports on a new york best buy location where the album release was really just boring. No music, no midnight release, and no special promos. Which was the same here in Arizona. I was excited when I went to BEST BUY to pick up my copy. I was expecting to fight people for a copy, have loud music playing EVERYWHERE, and other cool shit, but there was not. All there was was a small standee in the front of the store advertising the album. And with a standee that says what it said, they should have made a way bigger deal about it than they did...

That sign got me super pumped, until I enterd the store. The most anticipated album EVER was purchased in less than 3 minutes. No lines. No crowds. No midnight release. Thank you BEST BUY for making a landmark day in music so insignificant.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sorry for the delay. I've had some Internet troubles... Anyway I didn't want anybody to think I had stopped posting, there will be TWO new posts coming on wednesday, and another Movies You Havent Seen article coming after that. Thanks for holding on. It's coming...
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I apologize for all the WATCHMEN news on the site. It seems more like a WATCHMEN fansite than a blog, but its not. Its just that, besides other things, WATCHMEN is prolly the biggest thing in my life right now. That being said the new trailer for WATCHMEN has been posted on yahoo movies, and its 10x better than the last one, check it out. Also, I was reading an interview with the film's director and he said that the ending in the book is different from the ending in the movie. While that is going to piss a lot of folks off, I agree with the decision. People need to understand that comic books and film are two very different story telling meduims. While some elements can work in one, they can't work in the other. WATCHMEN is a prime example. The ending to the novel, while outlandish at first, is very appropriate, it makes sense, it makes the story fit together like a watch (that was two references in one, if you can guess which two, I'll send you a t-shirt). But that ending will not work in movies. At least not right now. All the more reason to read the book. This is my one final push to get you all to read the book BEFORE the movie comes out, and then I'll stop. Also I wrote all this out on my iPhone. Solely so I could say that statement, and to show how hard I work for all of you. Because it was murderously hard without a goddamn mouse.
Monday, November 17, 2008
SUPERMAN RETURNS came out a few years ago and the WARNER BROS. hoped that it would reignite the franchise and spawn sequels. But the film didn't make as much money as WB had hoped, and the reviews were mixed with critics and fan alike. Personally, I liked the film but not for what I saw, but for what I WANTED to see. The movie had potential that it didnt get to fully realize. The one main problem? The villian was Lex Luthor. Again. After 3 movies of Superman fighting Lex Luthor they needed a bigger, stronger, and more monstrous villain. If they wanted to keep Luthor as the villain they should have taken inspiration from the comics to mold him into something audiences and SUPERMAN hasn't seen yet. That being said, I think the next SUPERMAN movie should be...
That's right. Superman is Communist. This is a 'What if?' story. The story of what the world would be like if Superman had crash landed in Soviet Russia, instead of Smallville USA. And it serves for a great story. Though Superman is not a villain, her is percieved as one by the other nations of the world. He is seen as a threat, and the other nations work to protect themselves. Superman becomes the ruler of Russia and thats when the story takes off. As Superman struggles to run Russia, save the people of his country and the world from peril, and spread his ideals to other nations, Lex Luthor is hard at work trying to bring his empire down. But this is a differnent Lex. He is now a top scientist, and probably the smartest in the world, working for the US government developing creatures and weapons to destroy Superman before he can invade and take over America. The story is about Lex Luthor as much as it is about Superman (you'll find out in the end), and its just as much a psychological battle as it is a physical one between the two. As long as people can be open minded and accept this as a 'What if' story instead of a 'we're going to throw out the traditional origin' story, it could be quite the film to see on the big screen. Its a fresh story that people arent familiar yet, so the twists and turns will wont be expected. It keeps enough of the main Superman mythos so that people wont feel distanced from the Superman they know. Check out the graphic novel yourselves and see if the story doesn't instantly compell you all the way until the end.
That's right. Superman is Communist. This is a 'What if?' story. The story of what the world would be like if Superman had crash landed in Soviet Russia, instead of Smallville USA. And it serves for a great story. Though Superman is not a villain, her is percieved as one by the other nations of the world. He is seen as a threat, and the other nations work to protect themselves. Superman becomes the ruler of Russia and thats when the story takes off. As Superman struggles to run Russia, save the people of his country and the world from peril, and spread his ideals to other nations, Lex Luthor is hard at work trying to bring his empire down. But this is a differnent Lex. He is now a top scientist, and probably the smartest in the world, working for the US government developing creatures and weapons to destroy Superman before he can invade and take over America. The story is about Lex Luthor as much as it is about Superman (you'll find out in the end), and its just as much a psychological battle as it is a physical one between the two. As long as people can be open minded and accept this as a 'What if' story instead of a 'we're going to throw out the traditional origin' story, it could be quite the film to see on the big screen. Its a fresh story that people arent familiar yet, so the twists and turns will wont be expected. It keeps enough of the main Superman mythos so that people wont feel distanced from the Superman they know. Check out the graphic novel yourselves and see if the story doesn't instantly compell you all the way until the end.
FIRST. It was reported that Ridley Scott will be directing a film based on the popular board game MONOPOLY. Yup, MONOPOLY. It's going to be a sci-fi version. The question is why would a person choose to direct a MONOPOLY movie after he's already made ALIEN, BLADE RUNNER, and GLADIATOR? Hopefully he's got another groundbreaking sci-fi movie in him, or else this could be JUMANJ times two. Ridley Scott is a very talented director but his last couple of movies haven't piqued my interest, because of the stories, not because of the directing style. So even if the story is about a rogue iron battling a totalitarian sportscar over the mining rights of Baltic Avenue, it'll at least LOOK amazing. If you're unfamiliar with the story, the game is about people trying to buy up property and piss everybody off to the brink of murder. Don't pretend YOUR monopoly sessions ended in hugs and hot chocolate, they ended in horror.
SECOND. Cheech & Chong reunited this year, and they went on the road with a brand new comedy tour. I didnt get to see them when they came around but I just might get my chance. THE WEINSTEIN CO., which is starting to become my new favorite movie company, has decided to film and release the show as a concert movie. It hasn't been announced if it will be released in theaters or straight to BLURAY/DVD yet, but either way I'll be there with a beanie and suspenders. Keep your red eyes open for it soon...
SECOND. Cheech & Chong reunited this year, and they went on the road with a brand new comedy tour. I didnt get to see them when they came around but I just might get my chance. THE WEINSTEIN CO., which is starting to become my new favorite movie company, has decided to film and release the show as a concert movie. It hasn't been announced if it will be released in theaters or straight to BLURAY/DVD yet, but either way I'll be there with a beanie and suspenders. Keep your red eyes open for it soon...
Monday, November 10, 2008
Thank you to everybody who reads and contributes. Like I said before, I'll keep posting if you keep reading. That being said, remember ANYONE can comment to any posts, you dont have to sign up or register for anything, just leave a name with the comment. Also I added a thing in the top right sidebar where you guys can add yourself to the list of people who follow my blog. Just a way for me to see who my audience is, and you all can see each other. So check them out. Oh, and i made a new banner, insipred by the game BIOSHOCK, which is currently entertaining me and scaring me to a premature death.
This was a short informative post. A new post with actual news will be coming shortly.
This was a short informative post. A new post with actual news will be coming shortly.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
This is a new feature on the blog that, if receives enough attention and positive feedback, will become a recurring article. This feature is meant to discuss movies that have come out, old and new, that were overlooked by many but deserve to be viewed. So tell me what you think, if you agree or not, and hopefully this feature will motivate you to watch the movies discussed. Read on.
Released 2007
Directed by Anton Corbijn
One of my favorite films of all time is THE DOORS. Musicians and music were vastly different than it is today. And it's always interesting to me to see how the bands before our generation pushed the envelope and created original music and all new genres; and the stories of the musicians who spiraled into self-depravation, depression, and slowly lost control. This is one of those stories. This is the story of Joy Division and its musicians. This is an astonishing film. If you are a fan of the band Joy Division, you'll enjoy this movie. If you're not a fan of Joy Division, you will be. CONTROL is the story of Ian Curtis, lead singer of Joy Division. Curtis' life of a schoolboy in England grows into a young married man playing gigs with his newly formed band all too quickly for himself to catch up. With a surprise illness, addiction to drugs and alcohol, and new temptations from being on the road, Curtis' life slips out of his own hands while he struggles to regain a hold on it.
The acting is some of the best of the year. Its a marvelous wonder that Sam Riley, who plays Ian Curtis, was not nominated for an academy award for his portrayal. His acting range is exhausted in this role as Ian Curtis, showing the many highs and lows and voids of his life. It has been said about THE GODFATHER that the acting was so good, you don't for a minute believe that what you're seeing isn't true. The same can be said for CONTROL. With movies based on factual events or people there are always exaggerations, changes, and even made up events that are meant to add entertainment value, and make the film more interesting. But sometimes in doing so, the film becomes less believable, and more incredible. But with CONTROL there is never any distrust that whats going on in the film is untrue. And that is a powerful thing to have. In addition to all this, the film has a severely haunting ending, that is sure to stay with you long after its over. I had the chance to see this movie in the theater, and I purchased the DVD the same day it was released. There are some movies that dont have the same power it does after its first viewing, but with its great acting, fantastic music, and impressive photography, CONTROL keeps its strength on multiple viewings. Rent it, and if it's for you; buy it.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
When you watch a Martin Scorsese movie, you expect violence. When you watch a Francis Ford Coppola movie, you expect drama. When you watch a Steven Spielberg movie, you expect to be amazed. When you watch ZACH AND MIRI MAKE A PORNO, you expect a Kevin Smith movie. Unfortunately thats not what you get.
There were people who didnt even know that this movie was made by Kevin Smith. I think I know why. It looks like a Judd Apatow movie. Half of the cast is from THE 40-YEAR-OLD VIRGIN and the other half is from KNOCKED UP. In all its heart, and in its substance, this is a Kevin Smith movie. The dialogue and characters feel like they can be placed in any Kevin Smith movie, which he sometimes does. But the cast looks like a Judd Apatow production, and that was a juxtaposition that I could not get over during the movie. Im not sure if Kevin Smith CHOSE the cast or the studio chose it for him, because Seth Rogen and Elizabeth Banks' names on a movie poster are very marketable. So marketable, in fact, that thier names are more dominant on the theatrical poster than Smith's.
Don't get me wrong, its a funny movie, just not what I expected. In Kevin Smith's movies you get to learn EVERYTHING about each of his characters, no matter how intimate or vulgar (Dante from CLERKS tried to suck his own dick; Trisha from MALLRATS fucks a lot; Banky from CHASING AMY occasionally likes to see a chick and a horse, etc.) and that really makes you care about the characters. The characters in ZACH AND MIRI don't have as much backstory, or as many anecdotes as Smith's usual rogues gallery, and it really takes away from they way you feel about them.
Some characters were great. Craig Robinson was hilarious. Jeff Anderson is gold, as usual. Jason Mewes took a refreshing turn as playing someone other than 'Jay'. The only problem is that the best characters were underused. Jeff Anderson has about 4 lines in the movie, and they were the best ones as well. Jason Mewes only started to get funny near the end of the movie, when his character miraculously becomes less dumb.
Kevin Smith is one of my favorite directors. This was an extra long review because people are more critical to things that they are more passionate about. The only Kevin Smith movie I haven't seen is JERSEY GIRL, because it is PG-13, and thats like a REESES CUP without peanut butter. I was expecting more. The only way I can explain this movie is this; you have a Ford Mustang, but instead of the Mustang logo, you have an Impala logo. It feels, sounds, and drives like a Mustang, but the big Impala logo takes away from the experience of owning it, because its as if someone is trying to make it look like something its not. If you are expecting a FUNNY movie, you wont be let down; If you are expecting a KEVIN SMITH movie; you're expecting too much.
BONUS. After you watch the movie, read the next portion below. Its ways this funny movie could have been a Kevin Smith Movie.
1. Change The Cast.
2. Have a less ambiguous ending.
3. Make the movie take place in New Jersey. Like all Kevin Smith movies.
4. Shorten the sex scenes. It got awkward after a while.
5. Add in cameos. Even CLERKS 2 had Ben Affleck, Jason Lee, Earthquake, and Wanda Sykes.
There were people who didnt even know that this movie was made by Kevin Smith. I think I know why. It looks like a Judd Apatow movie. Half of the cast is from THE 40-YEAR-OLD VIRGIN and the other half is from KNOCKED UP. In all its heart, and in its substance, this is a Kevin Smith movie. The dialogue and characters feel like they can be placed in any Kevin Smith movie, which he sometimes does. But the cast looks like a Judd Apatow production, and that was a juxtaposition that I could not get over during the movie. Im not sure if Kevin Smith CHOSE the cast or the studio chose it for him, because Seth Rogen and Elizabeth Banks' names on a movie poster are very marketable. So marketable, in fact, that thier names are more dominant on the theatrical poster than Smith's.
Don't get me wrong, its a funny movie, just not what I expected. In Kevin Smith's movies you get to learn EVERYTHING about each of his characters, no matter how intimate or vulgar (Dante from CLERKS tried to suck his own dick; Trisha from MALLRATS fucks a lot; Banky from CHASING AMY occasionally likes to see a chick and a horse, etc.) and that really makes you care about the characters. The characters in ZACH AND MIRI don't have as much backstory, or as many anecdotes as Smith's usual rogues gallery, and it really takes away from they way you feel about them.
Some characters were great. Craig Robinson was hilarious. Jeff Anderson is gold, as usual. Jason Mewes took a refreshing turn as playing someone other than 'Jay'. The only problem is that the best characters were underused. Jeff Anderson has about 4 lines in the movie, and they were the best ones as well. Jason Mewes only started to get funny near the end of the movie, when his character miraculously becomes less dumb.
Kevin Smith is one of my favorite directors. This was an extra long review because people are more critical to things that they are more passionate about. The only Kevin Smith movie I haven't seen is JERSEY GIRL, because it is PG-13, and thats like a REESES CUP without peanut butter. I was expecting more. The only way I can explain this movie is this; you have a Ford Mustang, but instead of the Mustang logo, you have an Impala logo. It feels, sounds, and drives like a Mustang, but the big Impala logo takes away from the experience of owning it, because its as if someone is trying to make it look like something its not. If you are expecting a FUNNY movie, you wont be let down; If you are expecting a KEVIN SMITH movie; you're expecting too much.
BONUS. After you watch the movie, read the next portion below. Its ways this funny movie could have been a Kevin Smith Movie.
1. Change The Cast.
2. Have a less ambiguous ending.
3. Make the movie take place in New Jersey. Like all Kevin Smith movies.
4. Shorten the sex scenes. It got awkward after a while.
5. Add in cameos. Even CLERKS 2 had Ben Affleck, Jason Lee, Earthquake, and Wanda Sykes.
Friday, October 31, 2008
1. From i read that MTV GAMES and HARMONIX the folks who developed both ROCK BAND games announced that they are making a music game containing nothing but music from THE BEATLES. Wow. I had read a rumor about this in EGM two months ago but the rumors then were that ACTIVISION was going to make a GUITAR HERO BEATLES EDITION, sort of like the GUITAR HERO AEROSMITH that came out last year. HARMONIX said that this WILL NOT be a ROCK BAND game, but instead a brand new standalone game in the spirit of ROCK BAND. I just hope that it has all four instruments and that its compatible with all ROCK BAND gear. If I could play 'Cant buy me love' just once in video game form before i pass, ill be a happy fellow. No official release date yet on the game.

Playing a ROCK BAND style game with THE BEATLES??? Imagine. Just imagine.
2. From, Fox cancels KING OF THE HILL. Here's how i rate the sunday night cartoon lineup on fox: Simpsons, KOTH, Family guy. And thats it. The ratings have been down for a few seasons on the show, but the writing is still as good as ever, so this is a shame. Ill still watch reruns on FX though.
3. From, GHOSTBUSTERS GAME IS GOING TO BE RELEASED AFTER ALL. The GHOSTBUSTERS sequel game was all but finished when it was indefinitely postponed due to its publisher being bought out by another publisher. But thankfully old schooler ATARI has bought the publishing rights to the game and has announced a release date for next year, the 25th anniversary of the movie. So next year I get a GHOSTBUSTERS game, probably a GHOSTBUSTERS blu-ray, and POSSIBLY a third GHOSTBUSTERS movie? All on top of WATCHMEN, TRANSFORMERS 2, PUBLIC ENEMIES, WOLVERINE, and RESIDENT EVIL 5?? Rad.
Playing a ROCK BAND style game with THE BEATLES??? Imagine. Just imagine.
2. From, Fox cancels KING OF THE HILL. Here's how i rate the sunday night cartoon lineup on fox: Simpsons, KOTH, Family guy. And thats it. The ratings have been down for a few seasons on the show, but the writing is still as good as ever, so this is a shame. Ill still watch reruns on FX though.
3. From, GHOSTBUSTERS GAME IS GOING TO BE RELEASED AFTER ALL. The GHOSTBUSTERS sequel game was all but finished when it was indefinitely postponed due to its publisher being bought out by another publisher. But thankfully old schooler ATARI has bought the publishing rights to the game and has announced a release date for next year, the 25th anniversary of the movie. So next year I get a GHOSTBUSTERS game, probably a GHOSTBUSTERS blu-ray, and POSSIBLY a third GHOSTBUSTERS movie? All on top of WATCHMEN, TRANSFORMERS 2, PUBLIC ENEMIES, WOLVERINE, and RESIDENT EVIL 5?? Rad.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
I got my iPhone a few weeks back and I've been flashing it around like drunk girls in Aruba. I enjoy it very much except for one fatal design flaw. Had I known about this before I prolly still would have bought the phone, but someone still shouldve told me. THE THING CANT SEND OR RECIEVE PICTURE MESSAGES! What the FUCK! Instead I get a text with a randomized username and password with a web address to view my picture online. Sure I can send pictures through email but getting a picture message is an unrivaled exiliration, one I will never again experience. My masterpiece of a phone is flawed. My phone is the hot chick with fucked up teeth.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Everybody stop anything you're doing and look.

This WILL be the best movie of 2009, I can assure you. The look of this movie feels like the comic book in motion. In a good way, not in the Ang Lee's HULK way. If you haven't read the original graphic novel yet, you've got to read it before the movie comes out, because im sure they are going to omit a lot of details and with a story this rich in characters and history (and there is a lot of it), it only makes the story and eventual resolution better. Check it out NOW, since the trailer hit with THE DARK KNIGHT the Watchmen graphic novel has been in high supply and easily attainable, I even saw a gigantic display at TARGET with countless copies. So if you haven't read it by March 2009, you've had every opportunity and spat on it.
This WILL be the best movie of 2009, I can assure you. The look of this movie feels like the comic book in motion. In a good way, not in the Ang Lee's HULK way. If you haven't read the original graphic novel yet, you've got to read it before the movie comes out, because im sure they are going to omit a lot of details and with a story this rich in characters and history (and there is a lot of it), it only makes the story and eventual resolution better. Check it out NOW, since the trailer hit with THE DARK KNIGHT the Watchmen graphic novel has been in high supply and easily attainable, I even saw a gigantic display at TARGET with countless copies. So if you haven't read it by March 2009, you've had every opportunity and spat on it.
Monday, October 20, 2008
I GOT MY IPHONE. I will now address my phone as my iPhone, if you call it a phone, you wont get a response. Also I hope those of you who have my new number will stop calling my old number. That is now a secured line
Also got ROCK BAND 2 this weekend. If you have a PS3 and want to battle, email me your username, and we can get down. So far, i've played 0 matches online, because nobody in the goddamn world has a PS3. So let's jam already.
This weekend I went to a pizza place that i wont name, for reasons you'll find out soon enough. On the prize wall was a clapboard, one of those small square chalkboards that movie productions use to show what scene their shooting and they clap it before the start of shooting. Well, I wanted it. But there wasn't any sign to show how many tickets i needed to get it. I earned 147 tickets, and went to the counter and tried to acquire it. The man said it was 5,000 tickets. Thats quite a lot of tickets for something that was broken and could have been easily made by someone who wasn't as lazy as I, but oh well. Bottom line is; a friend on mine almost stole it for me but i said no, that it couldnt have been more than 100 tickets, so i would acquire it the honest way. It would have probably been easier to get 5k tickets if the manager hadnt been a dick and had helped me out when a machine took my tokens, instead of what he really did which was punch the machine (which yielded no results, or produced any tokens) some 15 odd minutes after I had requested help. So thanks dick, thanks for the help, Ill enjoy my tickets that im saving to use at another pizza place where their management isnt hoarding broken merch at ridiculous prices. One place had a Mogwai you could win. I think that's my next goal. 15,000 tickets.
Also got ROCK BAND 2 this weekend. If you have a PS3 and want to battle, email me your username, and we can get down. So far, i've played 0 matches online, because nobody in the goddamn world has a PS3. So let's jam already.
This weekend I went to a pizza place that i wont name, for reasons you'll find out soon enough. On the prize wall was a clapboard, one of those small square chalkboards that movie productions use to show what scene their shooting and they clap it before the start of shooting. Well, I wanted it. But there wasn't any sign to show how many tickets i needed to get it. I earned 147 tickets, and went to the counter and tried to acquire it. The man said it was 5,000 tickets. Thats quite a lot of tickets for something that was broken and could have been easily made by someone who wasn't as lazy as I, but oh well. Bottom line is; a friend on mine almost stole it for me but i said no, that it couldnt have been more than 100 tickets, so i would acquire it the honest way. It would have probably been easier to get 5k tickets if the manager hadnt been a dick and had helped me out when a machine took my tokens, instead of what he really did which was punch the machine (which yielded no results, or produced any tokens) some 15 odd minutes after I had requested help. So thanks dick, thanks for the help, Ill enjoy my tickets that im saving to use at another pizza place where their management isnt hoarding broken merch at ridiculous prices. One place had a Mogwai you could win. I think that's my next goal. 15,000 tickets.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
I watched QUARANTINE over the weekend and although flawed, it is still a very effective horror film. The good parts? It's a very claustrophobic film, and as the film goes on, the claustrophobia increases and the sets get smaller and smaller. The lighting in this movie and the imagery really help to create suspense and realism, the film holds back a lot of the gory and disturbing images to make your imagination work a little harder to give yourself a scare.

So what's wrong with it? Ill keep this part SPOILER FREE. In order to keep the suspension of disbelief, the characters suffer from all being marvelously stupid. Example: the doctor in the group of trapped people discovers that all the individuals who are infected all show hightened agression and tend to attack people. So when they find an infected person hiding in the closet, what happens?? They carefully inch towards the person asking her to 'be calm'... And then she proceeds to attack them. Stuff like that made me mad. Also [SPOILER, HIGHLIGHT TO READ]ITS GODDAMN OBVIOUS THAT THE LITTLE GIRL IS INFECTED THE ENTIRE TIME [END SPOILER].
Seeing this movie made me yearn for a TRUE Resident Evil movie. This movie LOOKS like a RESIDENT EVIL game on film. Had this movie been about a killer T-Virus and not [some 'ARMEGEDDON VIRUS'], it would've been astounding. So QUARANTINE, despite dumb people in the mix, is a good horror movie, and could've been an even better RESIDENT EVIL movie. True dat.
So what's wrong with it? Ill keep this part SPOILER FREE. In order to keep the suspension of disbelief, the characters suffer from all being marvelously stupid. Example: the doctor in the group of trapped people discovers that all the individuals who are infected all show hightened agression and tend to attack people. So when they find an infected person hiding in the closet, what happens?? They carefully inch towards the person asking her to 'be calm'... And then she proceeds to attack them. Stuff like that made me mad. Also [SPOILER, HIGHLIGHT TO READ]ITS GODDAMN OBVIOUS THAT THE LITTLE GIRL IS INFECTED THE ENTIRE TIME [END SPOILER].
Seeing this movie made me yearn for a TRUE Resident Evil movie. This movie LOOKS like a RESIDENT EVIL game on film. Had this movie been about a killer T-Virus and not [some 'ARMEGEDDON VIRUS'], it would've been astounding. So QUARANTINE, despite dumb people in the mix, is a good horror movie, and could've been an even better RESIDENT EVIL movie. True dat.
Monday, October 6, 2008
THE FORCE UNLEASHED: The next GOOD Star Wars Movie.
Somebody out there is CLAIMING that George Lucas is considering making THE FORCE UNLEASHED into a movie. THE FORCE UNLEASHED is a multimedia venture that has become a video game, graphic novel, and comic book. What makes this series different from other star wars titles is that George Lucas has officially named this title part of the star wars movie fiction, which means that the characters, events, places, and story are part of the original star wars movies. Which is big, considering this is the only official star wars story not written by George Lucas. I hope the movie gets made under CERTAIN conditions. This movie could work or it could be a giant loss like the NEW movies. Heres how it could work:
1. DONT GIVE IT A ROMAN NUMERAL EPISODE NUMBER. Technically this would be Episode 3.5. Seeing that looks like shit. Besides, placing this film anywhere between any films would be dumb. This story is meant to be viewed AFTER all the other movies. Sort of a SubPrequel. Keep the timeline known, yet ambiguous.
2. KEEP THE STORY. Do not let George Lucas make any additions to the story. Keep it fresh and separate from the original films. The prequel trilogy tried to force feed us these new characters that we didnt care about, and reintroduced old characters and made them less interesting. Only keep the characters from THIS STORYLINE, that way there's character development for 3 main characters and not 30 supporting characters.
3. KEEP THE OPENING. Darth Vader hunting Jedi, killing EVERYTHING in his path, leading to a fantastic lightsaber battle. The worst part about REVENGE OF THE SITH was that we didnt get to see Darth Vader being a ruthless Jedi-killing fucker and thats what everybody wanted to see. This will finally be the chance we get to see that.
4. HAVE A NEW DIRECTOR. Example: Disney. A few years ago Disney was pumping out shit. MEET THE ROBINSONS, CHICKEN LITTLE, and not to mention a whole slew of direct to dvd sequels to their classics library, in addition to planning sequels to TOY STORY, A BUGS LIFE, and CARS. Then Disney bought Pixar. One of Pixars main guys, John Lasseter, took over Disney's entire animation department, cancelling all sequels and putting all films on hold until he got to review them. Now Disney is getting great again, TRUE sequels to TOY STORY and CARS are coming, and ALL NEW traditionally animated shorts featuring classic disney characters are soon going to be in theatres, like in the 1940's. The point is Disney lost their drive to tell great stories and became a corporation. It took a new direction from a great storyteller to steer the company back to its storytelling roots. Same with Star Wars. Lucas wants computer effects to tell his story, not storytelling. Let a new director have at it. WHO? Lawrece Kasdan. He directed THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, so he knows how to tell a dark star wars story. Let him have it.
This could not work however. Im not sure how many people outside of the hardcore fans are going to be interested in watching a star wars movie about bad guys killing good guys. Or it could be a fresh take on the series that no fan has ever seen before. If the video game and book sales have any reflection on what kind of movie it would be, then we are all in for something great.
1. DONT GIVE IT A ROMAN NUMERAL EPISODE NUMBER. Technically this would be Episode 3.5. Seeing that looks like shit. Besides, placing this film anywhere between any films would be dumb. This story is meant to be viewed AFTER all the other movies. Sort of a SubPrequel. Keep the timeline known, yet ambiguous.
2. KEEP THE STORY. Do not let George Lucas make any additions to the story. Keep it fresh and separate from the original films. The prequel trilogy tried to force feed us these new characters that we didnt care about, and reintroduced old characters and made them less interesting. Only keep the characters from THIS STORYLINE, that way there's character development for 3 main characters and not 30 supporting characters.
3. KEEP THE OPENING. Darth Vader hunting Jedi, killing EVERYTHING in his path, leading to a fantastic lightsaber battle. The worst part about REVENGE OF THE SITH was that we didnt get to see Darth Vader being a ruthless Jedi-killing fucker and thats what everybody wanted to see. This will finally be the chance we get to see that.
4. HAVE A NEW DIRECTOR. Example: Disney. A few years ago Disney was pumping out shit. MEET THE ROBINSONS, CHICKEN LITTLE, and not to mention a whole slew of direct to dvd sequels to their classics library, in addition to planning sequels to TOY STORY, A BUGS LIFE, and CARS. Then Disney bought Pixar. One of Pixars main guys, John Lasseter, took over Disney's entire animation department, cancelling all sequels and putting all films on hold until he got to review them. Now Disney is getting great again, TRUE sequels to TOY STORY and CARS are coming, and ALL NEW traditionally animated shorts featuring classic disney characters are soon going to be in theatres, like in the 1940's. The point is Disney lost their drive to tell great stories and became a corporation. It took a new direction from a great storyteller to steer the company back to its storytelling roots. Same with Star Wars. Lucas wants computer effects to tell his story, not storytelling. Let a new director have at it. WHO? Lawrece Kasdan. He directed THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, so he knows how to tell a dark star wars story. Let him have it.
This could not work however. Im not sure how many people outside of the hardcore fans are going to be interested in watching a star wars movie about bad guys killing good guys. Or it could be a fresh take on the series that no fan has ever seen before. If the video game and book sales have any reflection on what kind of movie it would be, then we are all in for something great.
Here are some pictures I found on my phone. Ill describe the adventures below...

My friend Roger always says "I eat muffin tops for breakfast!". Somehow I dont think he means these. BONUS: CHECK OUT THE TAG LINE!

Pin the tail on the Donkey. WIth alcohol.

Mixing spam with bacon may not be good. In a burrito maybe, but not in a can. Look how the SERVING SUGGESTION is blank. Even the fine people at Hormel dont want you to eat this

Thats a mustard bottle in a beer caddy. Thats all i have to say. Eat it.

My friend Roger always says "I eat muffin tops for breakfast!". Somehow I dont think he means these. BONUS: CHECK OUT THE TAG LINE!

Pin the tail on the Donkey. WIth alcohol.

Mixing spam with bacon may not be good. In a burrito maybe, but not in a can. Look how the SERVING SUGGESTION is blank. Even the fine people at Hormel dont want you to eat this

Thats a mustard bottle in a beer caddy. Thats all i have to say. Eat it.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
I rented SPEED RACER. First let me say that when it was first announced that the movie was going to be made by the Wachowski Brothers from THE MARTIX movies, I was excited. Then I saw pictures of the Mach 5, and I was excited. Then I saw the trailer, got excited for PARTS of it (the anime style), and not excited for other parts of it (when RACER X catches some dudes punch at 3 miles per hour). Then reviews came in and they were all negative, so I stayed away from it at the theaters.

I TRIED to watch it in theaters, but it was definitely at the bottom of my list. But now that I HAVE seen it I can say that I enjoyed it. It wasn't great but it wasn't terrible and I can see why some people hated it. If you were a fan of the original series (I wasn't), or a fan of anime (I'm not really a FAN, I just like Cowboy Bebop), then you'll enjoy this movie. It is a literal translation from anime and it really is unlike something that has been seen before. I didnt like ALL of it, sure its a bit goofy at times, but its instantaneous and goes away fast. Its a VERY colorful movie but as my brother explained it to me, it NEEDS such sharp contrasting colors to differentiate elements on the screen, otherwise it would all be a dark blur. And as it was put in the documentary, this film is derived from an anime. Anime isn't about being literal, its about being emotional. It's meant to take themes and exaggerate them to make the audience feel a certain way. And thats what this movie does. With spinning cars and bright colors. Definitely check it out if you want to watch a fun movie that isn't so serious, in a sea of serious movies. And if you can, watch it on blu-ray, it seriously feels like your eyes shit ice cream in your brain.
I TRIED to watch it in theaters, but it was definitely at the bottom of my list. But now that I HAVE seen it I can say that I enjoyed it. It wasn't great but it wasn't terrible and I can see why some people hated it. If you were a fan of the original series (I wasn't), or a fan of anime (I'm not really a FAN, I just like Cowboy Bebop), then you'll enjoy this movie. It is a literal translation from anime and it really is unlike something that has been seen before. I didnt like ALL of it, sure its a bit goofy at times, but its instantaneous and goes away fast. Its a VERY colorful movie but as my brother explained it to me, it NEEDS such sharp contrasting colors to differentiate elements on the screen, otherwise it would all be a dark blur. And as it was put in the documentary, this film is derived from an anime. Anime isn't about being literal, its about being emotional. It's meant to take themes and exaggerate them to make the audience feel a certain way. And thats what this movie does. With spinning cars and bright colors. Definitely check it out if you want to watch a fun movie that isn't so serious, in a sea of serious movies. And if you can, watch it on blu-ray, it seriously feels like your eyes shit ice cream in your brain.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Paranormal Activity
Let me tell you a story. Most people don't believe me about this, but I've seen three UFO's and two GHOSTS in my life, so I think you can trust me. Anyway, one night I woke up from sleep, it was around 3 or 4AM, and there was a rather large, otherworldly creature at the end of my room near my door, trying to hide under my dresser. It was dark and I was too afriad to turn on the light, which is why I can't tell you what this thing was exactly. It was however approx. 13 inches long and about 6 inches tall. It was dark and dome shaped. So I stared at it, frozen with fear. It stared back. Neither of us moved an inch. I finally grabbed a shoe and threw it at the creature and it scurried under my dresser. I threw another shoe at it and it didn't move. I stared at it until I eventually fell back asleep. In the morning, when it was brighter, I looked under my dresser and it was gone. I never found the creature or what it was. I know it wasnt a rat or mouse or raccoon, or prairie dog becuase I never had any one of those in my house before or after I found this creature. It guess I attract paranormal activity. Next time I'll tell the story of the ghost crossing the street to QuikTrip.

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Those of you who know me know that I will unblinkingly watch GHOSTBUSTERS, and THE OFFICE, along with a few others of course. Those of you know GHOSTBUSTERS know the story of the never-made GHOSTBUSTERS III. If you don't here it is; DAN ACKROYD, writer of the original GHOSTBUSTERS movies, wrote a script for GHOSTBUSTERS III back in the mid 90's in which Hell literally breaks loose into NYC and the OG GHOSTBUSTERS have to train a NEW group of GBs to assist them in removing the beasts of hell from the world. This NEW group of GHOSTBUSTERS would have included (according to ACKROYD) CHRIS FARLEY and BEN STILLER. Turns out the budget was something big, like OPTIMUS PRIME big, big fucking robot big. So the studio passed, and the film never got made. ACKROYD writes another script, which evolves into a new semi-sequel GHOSTBUSTERS video game out this holiday, which if someone can pre-order for me would be rad. TODAY comes the OFFICIAL word that GBIII is INDEED happening with writers from THE OFFICE comissioned to write the script, which involves the ORIGINAL GB crew to return and catch ghosts in that thing that zip cord vacuum box. The guys who write THE OFFICE definitely have a knack for writing deadpan dialogue, which they'll need since it looks like BILL MURRAY is coming back, but hopefully they can make a niiiiice supernatural plotline as well. Either way, this looks like another movie I can't wait for. After THE DARK KNIGHT was over and the credits rolled i thought that nothing could build my cinematic anticipation ever again. I was wrong. Thankfully, I was wrong.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
AT LAST, I GOT A CAR. I can finally stop worrying about getting around cause now I have a car, a swanky Cobalt. It's pretty cool, and I think everybody should get me something nice, to celebrate. AND ive stashed my long board in the trunk, in case I meet up with some friends who wanna surf, it'll probably be Jeepsus.
ALSO. WB is considering a re-re-imagining of SUPERMAN. This could work IF they have a villain other than Lex Luthor. He can be in the film of course, but not the MAIN villain. I want to see Darkseid, or Doomsday, or Brainiac. Then it could be great. AND bring back the original theme, it defined Superman and without it, he's not the same character. One of the MAJOR problems I had with SUPERMAN RETURNS was that Superman's theme was absent, it didnt have the same feel as the first two movies without it.
ALSO. WB is considering a re-re-imagining of SUPERMAN. This could work IF they have a villain other than Lex Luthor. He can be in the film of course, but not the MAIN villain. I want to see Darkseid, or Doomsday, or Brainiac. Then it could be great. AND bring back the original theme, it defined Superman and without it, he's not the same character. One of the MAJOR problems I had with SUPERMAN RETURNS was that Superman's theme was absent, it didnt have the same feel as the first two movies without it.
Why is Piccolo yellow!??
I am going to see this movie. I am. Or at least Ill try to. I also said I was going to watch SPEED RACER, but I didn't because Jesus said he walked out of it when he saw it, so I decided to pass. But I am very interested to see how DRAGONBALL translate into a 9-120 minute movie, it could prove to be difficult to condense 7+ hours of story into one film, so we'll see. But if I keep seeing CRAP like YELLOW PICCOLO, im gonna kick a hole in this computer and sue Fox. Piccolo looks like a mix of Nomak from BLADE 2 and the cave monsters from THE DESCENT. Oh well, as long as Master Roshi is still bald and horny for Bulma, all is well.
Monday, August 25, 2008
I finally beat Metal Gear Solid 4. I give it 41/2 bandanas out of 5. Gameplay was great, nothing beats sneaking behind people then giving them the ol' chelsea grin, or blowing a helicopter out of the sky.

The game wouldve gotten a 5 if it didnt have such looooong cutscenes.
Now just waiting for The Force Unleashed to come out, hopefully it doesnt suck like all star wars games do, so who knows. In the meantime, my water pump broke on my truck so im at home trying to get a ride to return my textbooks and fix my broken ipod with broken earbuds. Well, at least theres cupcakes on the table, wait-what was that? the dog ate the cupcakes? well, at least I have left over pizza--oh the dog ate that too? Fack.
The game wouldve gotten a 5 if it didnt have such looooong cutscenes.
Now just waiting for The Force Unleashed to come out, hopefully it doesnt suck like all star wars games do, so who knows. In the meantime, my water pump broke on my truck so im at home trying to get a ride to return my textbooks and fix my broken ipod with broken earbuds. Well, at least theres cupcakes on the table, wait-what was that? the dog ate the cupcakes? well, at least I have left over pizza--oh the dog ate that too? Fack.
Also not in BATMAN 3; Coco, not starring as the Batman.
CMON DAMMIT! Please don't believe anything you hear about BATMAN 3 cause none of it is ture. None. None at all. Not even remotely. Not yet. Johnny Depp is not gonna be Riddler, Angelina Jolie is not gonna be Catwoman, TRUST ME. ABSURD! The script hasn't even been written, the director isn't even signed on to direct another batman movie, so there. Let's all just enjoy THE DARK KNIGHT and go watch it another 15 times and help it pass TITANIC, only $110 MIL to go.
OH P.S., my class was cancelled. Goodbye math, looks like ill be home Mondays and Wednesdays.
Friday, August 15, 2008
HELLO. I have started up this blog since all of my opinions go ignored at home, work, myspace, SubWay, texts, and earth. So now they can be viewed here. Come check out my stuff, I might have something that interests you or makes you angry, just read it. I'll try to be kind, unbiased, and not infringe on any copyright laws. May the Force be with you, always.

Here's a nice parting image as a sign of good faith. I'm on the phone AND playing Wii. Just another day at the office.
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