Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Everybody stop anything you're doing and look.

This WILL be the best movie of 2009, I can assure you. The look of this movie feels like the comic book in motion. In a good way, not in the Ang Lee's HULK way. If you haven't read the original graphic novel yet, you've got to read it before the movie comes out, because im sure they are going to omit a lot of details and with a story this rich in characters and history (and there is a lot of it), it only makes the story and eventual resolution better. Check it out NOW, since the trailer hit with THE DARK KNIGHT the Watchmen graphic novel has been in high supply and easily attainable, I even saw a gigantic display at TARGET with countless copies. So if you haven't read it by March 2009, you've had every opportunity and spat on it.

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