That said I want to comment on an article that I read in ROLLING STONE about the way BEST BUYs are handling the release of the album. Obviously this is a big album. The first GNR album in 14 years, tons of delays, album leaks, and an almost mystic frontman who nearly never speaks about it. And the only store to carry and sell the album is BEST BUY. With it being a big album you'd think it would be a big event, but it wasnt. The article reports on a new york best buy location where the album release was really just boring. No music, no midnight release, and no special promos. Which was the same here in Arizona. I was excited when I went to BEST BUY to pick up my copy. I was expecting to fight people for a copy, have loud music playing EVERYWHERE, and other cool shit, but there was not. All there was was a small standee in the front of the store advertising the album. And with a standee that says what it said, they should have made a way bigger deal about it than they did...

That sign got me super pumped, until I enterd the store. The most anticipated album EVER was purchased in less than 3 minutes. No lines. No crowds. No midnight release. Thank you BEST BUY for making a landmark day in music so insignificant.
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