Wednesday, April 1, 2009


So, I MAY have been a little overzealous last year when I proclaimed that WATCHMEN would be the biggest movie of 2009, results did not work out that way. BUT im not here to discuss that, what i AM here for is to inform all of you about a little film coming this summer called DISTRICT 9. Believe me when I tell you that this is going to be this year's CLOVERFIELD, in the sense that this film has been kept secret for a long time and when the secret is out, people will flip.

DISTRICT 9 is directed by NEIL BLOMKAMPT and produced by PETER JACKSON. Sound familiar? We all know PETER JACKSON directed KING KONG, THE LORD OF THE RINGS TRILOGY, and (one of my favorites) THE FRIGHTENERS to name a few. BLOMKAMPT is somewhat of a newcomer, this will be his first feature length movie. BUT you've seen his work before. Remember when HALO 3 was coming out and there were those live-action web commercials, that looked like parts of a HALO movie? He made those. In fact, Jackson and Blomkampt were signed to produce and direct the full length HALO movie a few years ago. But the budget grew out of control and the studios involved pulled out and now it seems it will never come out. I think that will change when DISTRICT 9 opens.

HALO: COMBAT, in case you missed it.

I heard about this movie about a year ago but at the time there were NO details whatsoever save for a cryptic website with a logo pasted on it. There are no pictures or videos or damn near any information about DISTRICT 9 available right now, but some details have leaked out including the synopsis, which is available on various sites. The movie is about an alien race that inhabits Earth but is segregated from humans and is mistreated to the point of conflict. The story sounds like a fresh alien invasion movie that we havent seen before, and the talent that is attatched is more than enough to entice movie fans. The above video should give you a vague idea of the shooting style of the film, only it'll have much better special effects. This is the closest thing to a HALO movie that we are going to have for now, yet also could be something very special on its own. So look for this movie this summer and prepare for something grand.

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