Tuesday, March 31, 2009


MY INTERNET is broken and wont be fixed until FRIDAY, but ill try my hardest to post new articles until then. BUT coming friday will be a new article about this past weekend where myself, my roommate, and roger and jesus had our annual adventure, and yes, there will be videos...

Until then here are some updates going on in LIFE for me:

--I got my car washed for 20 bucks. Two days later I parked next to a sprinkler, only I DIDNT KNOW IT WAS THERE.

--I refuse to sign up for FACEBOOK even though I know many of you are on it. I just cant find a reason to create and maintain another new social networking profile that nobody will read IN ADDITION to MYSPACE and my BLOG, both of which nobody reads anyway.

--The douchebag phenomena has spread to girls. The other day I saw a girl wearing a polo shirt with a popped collar, white visor, raggedy jeans sagged with boxers exposed, and flipflops. She may have been a lesbian.

--I cant say which one but a kid at a certain PIZZA restaurant totally hooked us up with a spinning police light worth 2000 tickets when we only had 235 the other day. Even though we had it on inside the car, arrests did NOT ensue.

--If your friends have staged a wicked bad practical joke on another friend, don't tell that friend what it is and then dismantle it. NICK.

--If you ever try to pull a TEEN WOLF from inside a jeep and stand on the back seat straight up with the top removed and pretend to surf, make sure the driver DOES NOT go over any speed bumps. Fast. On purpose. JESUS.

--Don't ever get internet service from a company that rhymes with IGNITION.


Jesus said...

hahaha best post ever

The name is Desiree, you can call me ~Diggz~ said...

"both of which nobody reads anyway."
I have like 5 views on my blogg so dont complain! ^_^
I love that you have a life & let me read about it cuz it always makes me laugh =p