Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Saw the new TERMINATOR SALVATION trailer, and it looks way less sucky then I thought it would be. It actually looks really good. If you havent seen it, ive put the embed below so you can! Courtesy of Yahoo! Movies...

Here's what I like about TS:
1. Christian Bale as John Connor. Anything that can take the bad taste of Nick Stahl as Connor in T3 is welcome, and Bale is the right guy to play a soldier in the future.

2. The new Terminator, Marcus. I like the whole "Im a terminator but I think im a human" angle thats in the plot. It takes the whole Terminator storyline into different territory. Part of why T3 wasnt so great was because it was basically T2 with different ending, and by the looks of it this Terminator movie will be a different story than the 'killer from the future' thing we've seen already.

3. Christopher Nolan helped with script rewrites. Nolan visited the set during filming and talked with director about character development and was invited to join in and rewrite certain scenes in the movie. Remember he co-wrote THE DARK KNIGHT, so the man knows character development.

Things I dont like so much:
1. The NEW 'Terminators'. Im still not digging the motorcycle terminator or the giant terminator, the whole thing seems too close to 'Transformers' to me, almost as if WB wants to capitalize on any Transformers fire still left in moviegoers. Don't get me wrong, the designs look badass, but it feels like theyre glombing on to another franchise's selling point.

2. The rating. The producer said some IFFY things about what the movie might be rated. Basically what he said was TDK was the highest grossing movie of the year and it was PG-13, and on the other hand THE MATRIX was R and made lots of money as well. Let me just say this movie BETTER be rated R. Theres no way they can make this PG-13 if they want to keep all the robot smashing, exploding, skin removing frenzy from the first two movies. But all the ambiguity aside, i really dont think it'll be rated anything other than R, Terminator has always been rated R and they risk offending a whole barrage of fanboys if they dont release it so. Just like Die Hard 4...

MOVING ON, the new trailer for PUBLIC ENEMIES also debuted this week, i couldnt find an embed code so you'll have to go to to watch it. PE is about the hunt for John Dillinger during his heyday. JOHNNY DEPP plays Dillinger and CHRISTIAN BALE plays Melvin Purvis, the cop on his trail. This movie was directed by Michael Mann, director of some of the best movies out, MIAMI VICE, HEAT, ALI, COLLATERAL, to name a few. Movie looks GREAT, cant wait to see DEPP and Dillinger rob banks, be kind to bankers, and be smooooooth to the ladies. I just hope BALE creates his own character in this film, he has played GREAT characters in other movies but they are characters that have already been established in other franchises. BATMAN, JOHN CONNOR, even though he's played them GREAT, he hasnt really created his own signature character that he's created. When people think BRUCE WILLIS, they think DIE HARD, when people think ARNOLD they think TERMINATOR, and when people think STALLONE they think ROCKY. When people think BALE they think BATMAN, which isnt BAD but it would be cool to see Bale build a signature character on his own terms, and this movie could be his chance. We'll have to wait and see, but it looks like it WONT disappoint.

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