Monday, May 11, 2009


Let me start off by saying two things;  I still have not seen WOLVERINE, and I do not consider myself a STAR TREK fan.  Or, I didnt until now.  I know little facts about the STAR TREK universe, I caught a handful of episodes of THE NEXT GENERATION when it was on TV, I saw STAR TREK GENERATIONS once, I know that Spock dies at the end of STAR TREK II and he is resurrected in STAR TREK III, and at some point in the movie franchise the crew goes back in time for some reason.  Other than that knowledge, I didnt know much about STAR TREK so I didnt consider myself a fan, but I still wanted to see this new STAR TREK movie, ever since the first trailer.

Now that I have seen the movie I can say that STAR TREK is not just for Trekkies anymore.  This film is a TRUE reboot, in the way that it doesn't completely disregard the original movies but instead creates a story about an old character who travels back in time, therefore creating an alternate universe but keeping the main characters and their personality traits.  And aside from some confusing explanations, it works.  And if you really stop and think twice about some of the story elements, you could certainly pick apart the plot holes, but that would take away from the experience of the film, and it wouldnt be as fun as it is.

Right off the bat this movie looks like a Michael Bay movie.  Lots of tilted camera angles, lighting flares, and slow mo, but thats where the similarities stop.  The movie really takes time to develop the characters so that when something happens to them, you feel for them, and when they make decisions, you take sides.  Which is what makes these characters good, you actually care about what they do.  Especially Spock and Kirk.  Some actions they make in the movie will make you question their decisions, and disagree or agree, which makes them more human, and makes you think that these characters CANT escape every trap theyre in, which makes it all the more thrilling.

So what isnt so great?  Well first Kirk DOES kinda have that 'Main Character Safety' aura around him where he is never in any REAL danger because he seems to escape it so easily, although he does get the crap beat out of him every time somebody makes a fist.  Some characters feel underused, like Scotty who was awesome with his 3 lines, and Sulu who turned out to be a swordfighting ninja, but in a Kirk-Spock origin story I can accept that, and hope they play larger roles in a sequel.  Theres WAY too many angled shots.  Usually angled shots are used to create a sense of distortion or disorientation, basically to represent a characters' abnormal state of mind.  But in this movie almost EVERY shot is at an angle, THEN in the same shot the camera ROTATES to the exact OPPOSITE ANGLE.  After about an hour of this I started to get dizzy, theres probably 10 shots in the whole movie that are exactly horizontal and stationary at the same time.  

An excellent movie from the first frame to the last, I planned to watch WOLVERINE this monday, but I honestly would much rather watch STAR TREK again, which I plan on doing.  This movie made STAR TREK accessible to movie fans as well as TREK fans, by keeping the established events, mythos, and characters but adding action, great special effects, and more sex than one can remember ever being in a TREK movie, fans and non fans can now unite for a great cinematic tale, and not make fun of each other.  And give bones to your neighbor every time 'Bones' is said on screen.

PS the title of this article was a quote from the movie, im not THAT nerdy.

What did YOU think of STAR TREK?  Post in the comments!

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