Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I am convinced that there is a ghost in my apartment.  Let me explain.

One night while I was laying in bed, the cabinets in my bathroom opened and shut two times in a row, SLAMMED shut.  I shot out of bed and turned the lights on, but nobody was there.  After I turned the lights off again, the door stopped slamming.

Another time, I left for work in the morning and turned off all the lights in my apartment.  When I came home, it was dark outside, and all the lights were on in my kitchen and living room.  These were lights that had to be turned on with a switch in the wall. I assumed that my girlfriend came home and turned some lights on and left.  But she didnt.  Nobody had been in my apartment since I left for work in the morning and came back at night.

LAST NIGHT, after watching Flight Of The Conchords FRONT ROW which i posted pictures on my Facebook, Jesus came over to my apartment and I told him the story about the lights turning off on their own, and that my apartment houses a ghost.  NOT 10 SECONDS after I finished my story, the lamp next to me turned off.  I almost ran outside to escape but I didnt, I had three races left in Mario Kart.  There were no other disturbances that night, but I refuse to believe that the light turned off RIGHT AFTER I told the ghost story was pure coincidence.  As Jesus put it, I pissed off the ghost.

So If you come over sometime, DO NOT piss off the ghost.  We might be in the dark.  Or taken to the otherside... 


The name is Desiree, you can call me ~Diggz~ said...

just make friend with that bad boy & your problem is solved!

Unknown said...

But what makes you so sure its a ghost... could be any variety of other worldly mischief makers.

The name is Desiree, you can call me ~Diggz~ said...

in regards to Julians comment:
yay verily...

Jesus said...

it was a fucking ghost!