Saturday, December 13, 2008


No. I haven't seen the new WOLVERINE trailer, or 'X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE' as its now being called. Correction; I haven't seen the trailer in theaters. I saw the trailer on YouTube. I saw footage that was shown earlier this year at comic-con, and the new trailer has some of that in it. Trailer looks decent, even though I still think it's an unnecessary movie, I still want to watch it. Why? Well frankly I want to see more MARVEL characters in movie form. Speaking of which, my all time favorite X-Man is going to be in this movie. Gambit. Yup, he's in this movie somehow. And while I can't wait to see him explode all kinds of mutant ass with his badass bow and playing cards, I cant help but notice how they FUCKED UP THE CANON. What's canon you ask? Well canon is the established timeline of things. Example; Star Wars canon is that Luke trains with Yoda before he fights Darth Vader. Well fucking up canon would be saying that Luke fights and defeats Vader, then trains with Yoda. SO why does the Gambit thing matter? Well, WOLVERINE takes place LOOOONG before the first X-Men movie, somewhere in the 50s or 60s I bet, and Gambit is there. So that means that, should there ever be a continuance of the X-Men movies, Gambit wont be there. He wont be there to hit on Rogue. He wont be there to shoot the shit with Wolverine. He wont be there to piss off Cyclops. Instead he'll be in some asian country, or whatever. Co-starring with and Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool without his mask. Still...I'll be at the midnight showing.


Jesus said...

ha ha finally. good post.

Anonymous said...

mmmmm... midnight showings ftw! ^_^

Anonymous said...

FTW? FTW = Feed the Wales maybe? yeah, and they also killed everyone important in x men 3.