Somebody out there is CLAIMING that George Lucas is considering making THE FORCE UNLEASHED into a movie. THE FORCE UNLEASHED is a multimedia venture that has become a video game, graphic novel, and comic book. What makes this series different from other star wars titles is that George Lucas has officially named this title part of the star wars movie fiction, which means that the characters, events, places, and story are part of the original star wars movies. Which is big, considering this is the only official star wars story not written by George Lucas. I hope the movie gets made under CERTAIN conditions. This movie could work or it could be a giant loss like the NEW movies. Heres how it could work:
1. DONT GIVE IT A ROMAN NUMERAL EPISODE NUMBER. Technically this would be Episode 3.5. Seeing that looks like shit. Besides, placing this film anywhere between any films would be dumb. This story is meant to be viewed AFTER all the other movies. Sort of a SubPrequel. Keep the timeline known, yet ambiguous.
2. KEEP THE STORY. Do not let George Lucas make any additions to the story. Keep it fresh and separate from the original films. The prequel trilogy tried to force feed us these new characters that we didnt care about, and reintroduced old characters and made them less interesting. Only keep the characters from THIS STORYLINE, that way there's character development for 3 main characters and not 30 supporting characters.
3. KEEP THE OPENING. Darth Vader hunting Jedi, killing EVERYTHING in his path, leading to a fantastic lightsaber battle. The worst part about REVENGE OF THE SITH was that we didnt get to see Darth Vader being a ruthless Jedi-killing fucker and thats what everybody wanted to see. This will finally be the chance we get to see that.
4. HAVE A NEW DIRECTOR. Example: Disney. A few years ago Disney was pumping out shit. MEET THE ROBINSONS, CHICKEN LITTLE, and not to mention a whole slew of direct to dvd sequels to their classics library, in addition to planning sequels to TOY STORY, A BUGS LIFE, and CARS. Then Disney bought Pixar. One of Pixars main guys, John Lasseter, took over Disney's entire animation department, cancelling all sequels and putting all films on hold until he got to review them. Now Disney is getting great again, TRUE sequels to TOY STORY and CARS are coming, and ALL NEW traditionally animated shorts featuring classic disney characters are soon going to be in theatres, like in the 1940's. The point is Disney lost their drive to tell great stories and became a corporation. It took a new direction from a great storyteller to steer the company back to its storytelling roots. Same with Star Wars. Lucas wants computer effects to tell his story, not storytelling. Let a new director have at it. WHO? Lawrece Kasdan. He directed THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, so he knows how to tell a dark star wars story. Let him have it.
This could not work however. Im not sure how many people outside of the hardcore fans are going to be interested in watching a star wars movie about bad guys killing good guys. Or it could be a fresh take on the series that no fan has ever seen before. If the video game and book sales have any reflection on what kind of movie it would be, then we are all in for something great.