Monday, June 15, 2009


FIRST, I apologize for keeping this space vacant for quite a while now.  I sort have been skipping over my blog for a few weeks in favor of facebook.  My bad.  Well, I'm back now and I can only say that the absence of articles wasn't for nothing.  For the past couple of weeks/currently I am  working on a top secret project that I cannot yet reveal.  Rest assured I'll be dropping some clues and info to you all when I am able to, right here on the blog.  For now lets just call the project TZC-001.  All I can say at this time is check out my Zazzle store, it might have some...items of foreshadowing.  And no, the Zazzle store is NOT the project.  Thats just something I do for fun and out of spite.  

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